Support Expanding Borders
How Your Donation to Expanding Borders Makes a Difference
$25 monthly donation
Our general operational cost fund covers many expenses. We have various expenses in Honduras to keep the ministry operating. Your donation would help us pay for internet and electricity at the office where our jewelry is created by Honduran women. It would help cover insurance on the truck used to transport the teams and the Honduran employees of the ministry, and it would also help with multiple other bills that are necessary to pay for the continued operation of the ministry.
$40 monthly donation
It only costs $40 a month for a full year to cover the cost of transportation, tuition, and books for a high school student. We are in our third year of sponsoring students to continue their education beyond sixth grade. The students must maintain good grades and participate in community service projects to receive support.
$50 monthly donation
We are establishing an emergency medical fund for the children’s home. With nine children, there is the great likelihood of one falling ill without warning. We need money on hand in Honduras to be used in case of a medical emergency. Public medical care in Honduras is not the best, and one can stand in line the entire day and not even see a doctor at the public hospital. In order to offer the children the best medical care possible, they would need to be taken to a private hospital where all medical expenses must be paid in full at time of treatment. Having this money set aside for situations such as this would offer much peace of mind to those caring for the children.
$75 monthly donation
Offering good job opportunities to Honduran women is a huge part of our ministry. We currently employ seven Hondurans in the ministry. We also offer them medical insurance. Just $75 a month, covers the cost of medical insurance for one employee and offers them the peace of mind that we so often take for granted.
$100 monthly donation
pays one-week salary for a Nanny at the Children’s Home. They make an average of $95 per week, $380 a month.
pays one-week salary for the housekeeper at the Children’s Home. With nine young children in the home, we are required by Honduran law to have a part time housekeeper to help with the weekly cleaning and maintenance of the home.
$150 monthly donation
pays the monthly electric bill at the children’s home
$200 monthly donation
pays all expenses of transportation, food, and gifts for Ladies’ Conferences for the more than 100 women involved in the ministry. This is an incredible time of worship and revival for these ladies who are transforming their communities. It is a beautiful picture of disciples making disciples just as Christ taught us to do.
$250 monthly donation
We currently are serving three meals a week in three different villages. Our prayer is to continue to expand this ministry to more meals and more villages. Each time the children gather to eat, they hear the Word of God and give thanks to Him for His provisions. We are striving to feed God’s children physically and spiritually.
$500 monthly donation
covers food for the house parents and nannies, toiletries, household cleaning supplies, and minor repairs for the children’s home
$1,000 monthly donation
We are in desperate need for a van for the children’s home and ministry. A donation of $1,000 a month for one year would enable us to purchase a van.